This is a recent picture taken by the Hubble Space Telescope
of NGC 4639. It is approximately 72 million light years from earth. Keep in
mind, one light year is the equivalent of 5.8 trillion miles. It is 72 million
times 5.8 trillion miles from earth!! That’s beyond the human brain to even
comprehend that distance.
This is just one galaxy in the “Virgo” cluster of 1500 other
galaxies. Within our galaxy alone it's estimated that there are somewhere between 200 - 300 billion stars.
Isn’t it mind boggling? You can imagine why Moses said, “Now,
for this cause, I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed.”
It also reminds of me D&C 88:37 “There are many
kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is
no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or a lesser kingdom.”
The vastness of the creations are amazing. When we look up
at the night sky, many feel a yearning, a pull to something higher. It’s a pull
inside many people that makes us feel as if we are a part of something great.
It’s as if the seed is inside of us, waiting to sprout!