Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Get Personal Revelation

I've attached a wonderful discourse given by Bruce R. McConkie at a BYU devotional in 1966. In this devotional he teaches some wonderful truths that seem to have been lost among many in the current culture of the church. This is the link:

Of note, we should each become a prophet or prophetess. Now, what does that mean? The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.  This discourse clearly describes what that is. It begins with dreams, visions, and angelic ministration. It culminates with the ministry of Christ and the Father (D&C 93, John 17:3).

He reminds us that these visions, dreams, and ministry are NOT just for someone with a calling, it's for any member or individual who abides the law. God is no respecter of persons and marvelous experiences are not obtained by virtue of a calling. A culture has seemed to creep into the church that divine revelation is only for General Authorities, Elder McConkie clearly rebukes that myth. It's the responsibility of each person to individually find and become like the Lord, literally.

Elder McConkie brings up a great point. We (as a whole) tend to attribute living revelation to the Prophet Joseph and others, but we rarely make a claim to personal angelic ministration.  It is our responsibility to seek to be taught by the heavens.

D&C 11:25 warns us, "Deny not the spirit of revelation, nor the spirit of prophecy, for wo unto him that denieth these things."  I would suggest that this is directed to each one of us individually.  The question I ask myself is "what things am I doing to inhibit the spirit of revelation?" If we inhibit the spirit of revelation, we are essentially denying it by our actions. If that be the case, then wo unto us and we should speedily repent.

What a marvelous time we live in when the heavens are open. If we humbly seek the Lord, confess our sins, and repent, the heavens can be open to any individual!

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