We can learn a great lesson from the Lamanites. After the
different factions of the Lamanites were converted and they joined into one
body, they said this about the Law of Moses (Alma 25:16):
"Now they did not suppose that salvation came by the law of Moses;
but the law of Moses did serve to strengthen their faith in Christ; and thus
they did retain a hope through faith, unto eternal salvation."
It illustrates an important doctrine. Why do we keep the laws and commandments? The laws and commandments in and of themselves won't save us. However, just as the law of Moses was essential to the Lamanites, our current laws and commandments are essential to us. Just as it was 2000 years ago, our laws and ordinances are designed to point us towards Christ. The Lamanites kept the law and it "strengthened their faith in Christ." If we look carefully, each law should strengthen our faith in Christ and point us towards him:
Law of Chastity - Keeps us clean from sin that destroys families and marriages. Will free our mind to dwell on the things of God rather than the lustful thoughts of the world. When virtue garnishes our thoughts unceasingly, then shall our confidence wax strong in his presence.
The Word of Wisdom - Will free our mind and body from destructive addictions. I have a good friend who's a dentist and returned missionary. He's currently spending 90 days in Florida at a rehabilitation clinic because of an addiction. He's a good man, but this addiction was threatening to destroy him. This law allows us to maintain a clear mind and intellect which then allows the Spirit to work upon us.
Tithing and other donations - Teaches us to always put the Lord first. Is just the beginning when discussing the law of Sacrifice. This puts us in a position to know that we're putting the Lord above money, although this is only the beginning.
The Sacrament - We often underestimate this one. At the end of the Sacrament prayer the promise is that we can have his Spirit to be with us always. That was the primary piece of advice Joseph gave to Brigham and others when he visited them from beyond the veil, "tell the saints to get the Spirit."
These are just a few examples of how the law and commandments point us towards Christ. One more interesting question, is it possible to do all these things and still have Christ far from the thoughts and intents of our hearts? In my opinion, the answer to this question is an obvious YES.
So, the reason for this entry is to remind us that we keep the law to point our hearts and minds to Christ. HOWEVER, in addition to keeping the law, we need to become like Him. Our thoughts and actions need to be aligned with his thoughts and actions. The Lamanites kept the law, but they understood that it ultimately came down to their faith in Christ and that the law was designed to strengthen that faith and open the pathway to personal communication to heaven.
I invite us all to not make the laws and commandments a checklist, but rather, allow them to strengthen our faith in Christ and help us develop charity towards all men and especially towards the household of faith.
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