Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Voice of Warning

I came across this talk from Elder (then Elder, former President of the Church) Benson given at a BYU devotional on April 14th, 1981.

Have we not been warned on every front for years and decades? Have you felt the warning voice within your own soul? Have you felt personal direction on what it is that you need to do to prepare individually and as a family for the return of our Lord?

I appreciate this devotional talk from Elder Benson (

After watching that video, I ask myself if we find ourselves in a similar situation as the Nephites in 3 Nephi 2:1 "The people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or wonder from heaven, insomuch that they began to be hard in their hearts, and blind in their minds, and began to disbelieve all which they had heard and seen."

Interestingly, there is a parallel to the stock market. When the markets move upward, it is usually a slow churn that lasts for months or years and people tend to become very complacent. However, when there is a steep decline in the market, it tends to happen very quickly, sometimes even as quick as one day (the crash that started the depression). When the steep decline happens, most people are caught off guard and lose a substantial amount of money.

Let us guard against complacency as we prepare for the return of our Lord and Savior. Let us "prepare every needful thing", both temporally and spiritually. Let us seek him out that we may be led by him, the one true Shepard that we may do his will and fulfill the measure of our creation.

At some point, there will be a "last day" and I hope and pray that we might be prepared for the events leading up to that day.

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