Friday, August 23, 2013

What is Love?

It's always interesting to read various blog posts and forums to see the different opinions.  I recently read a comment discussing love and it's not the first time I've seen this type of comment. The comment more or less said, "Some people say is all I have to do is learn to "love", it's all about "love" and I disagree."

I don't want to mince words and get caught up in semantics, I see where this person is probably coming from.

From my experience, I've glimpsed beyond the veil enough to know that everything there IS love. It's indescribable, that type of love doesn't exist on earth (I've never experienced it in marriage or with my children, although I love them immensely). When we get to those realms, maybe we'll get used to it somehow, but love is in and through all things, it's consuming, it's overwhelming, I would give all that I possess and am to experience that type of love, even periodically. No language is adequate to describe it. That is what heaven is about, LOVE!

So, let me share my answer to this question...What is love?

It IS all about love.
- Think about it, if we're filled with the pure love of Christ, is there any question about whether chastity is an issue?
- If we're filled with love, is there any question about whether or not we'll sacrifice/consecrate our time and talents?
- If we're filled with love, is there any question about how we'll treat our bodies, treat others, etc?
- If we're filled with love, is there any question about whether to attend church and take the sacrament, worship in the temple, etc.?

If we're filled with love, then our actions will follow and become an afterthought. It's like the night follows day. In fact, I can't think of a single commandment that isn't designed to turn our hearts to Christ in an effort to increase our love.

If we were capable, would there really be a necessity of further commandments if we REALLY lived the two great commandments (certainly there would still be covenants and ordinances, I get it)?

Our great mission is to put off the natural man. To become like Christ. To take upon us his name. To seek his embrace and treat others as he would treat them. It really is all about love, Christ was the ultimate example of love. There is no guile or selfishness in him. Time after time he set aside his owns wants to serve others.

It's easy to write about in a blog, it's a totally different issue to really APPLY this idea to our lives. I invite us all to focus on loving others...our family, those who have wronged us in some way, strangers, and anyone else we come in contact with. Let us listen, serve, and find a way to love those whom we're put in contact with during our mortal probation!