Friday, June 26, 2015

We Choose Our Feelings

I watched the news today and saw the decision from the SCOTUS regarding marriage. So much wickedness surrounds us. We know the time of tribulation draws near, that challenges await us, and that the future will have plenty of hurdles.

However, we get to CHOOSE our thoughts and feelings. It's easy to be pessimistic and get weighed down by all the negativity that surrounds us. I just watched this video from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and felt a wave of hope, excitement, and optimism.

Despite what might come in the near future, how glorious to know that the Lord will be victorious. He will come in His glory to usher in a great era of peace. Good will triumph over evil. Righteousness will triumph over wickedness. The Son of God will crush the adversary.

Through it all, we have reason to be optimistic as we anxiously await the Lord's return.

This day I choose to be optimistic and I'm filled with excitement for the future, whether on this side of the veil or the other.