Sunday, June 23, 2013

World Wide Leadership Conference

I attended the Stake Center where I was able to watch the Worldwide Leadership Training (which was really for everyone). In my opinion, the fireside was fabulous and I highly recommend that everyone take two hours to watch it. 

It can be viewed on or you can click this link:

There are several "take-away's":
1. What can I do to be a more effective missionary in sharing the gospel with those around me?

2. What can my wife and I do to prepare our children to be missionaries who are effective and teach by the power of the spirit?

3. We already have a family mission plan, but one thing I've learned from experience is that when we're asking the Lord for missionary opportunities, they will come. How often are we praying for missionary opportunities...daily, weekly, monthly???

I loved the videos they used during the fireside and was inspired by several comments made. No matter where we labor, we don't need a "calling" to spread the gospel. In fact, it's our COMMISSION that we each received when we were baptized.

I love the gospel and this great work!

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