Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Pattern of Prayer

I was reading in 3 Nephi 13:9-13 and contemplated the pattern of prayer taught by the Lord. I do believe he's teaching us more than just what to say, but why and how to say it.

v9: "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." First, acknowledging in reverence who we're speaking with. I heard someone once say that they will start their prayers by invoking Heavenly Father's name and then waiting until they feel a connection. Sometimes it might be one minute, other times it may take a lot longer.

v10: "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." He's instructing us to start our prayers by acknowledging that his ways are higher than our ways. That his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. In other words, let me pray that which is in accordance to THY will and not mine.

v11: "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  First, we're to repent before him and seek to be clean. Once we've sought for his forgiveness and repented of our own iniquities, we should immediately forgive those who have caused us offense...whether justified or not. Once we have repented, are clean before him, and forgive any who have caused offense, then we are ready to move on in our prayers. This isn't just a suggestion, in later verses he goes on to say that he won't forgive us unless we forgive others their trespasses.

v12: "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Assuming that we have repented and hold no offense, he instructs us to ask for power over the adversary. He's asking us to pray that we will personally have power over any unclean or evil entity. That our homes might be cleared of any evil and that we might be protected against the wiles of the adversary...through angels, shielding, or whatever you feel inspired to ask for.

v13: "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, the glory, forever. Amen." As we close, we acknowledge who he is and that his ways are the highest, that his will should be done because he is the king and an all-knowing Father.

In this pattern, I see several things:
1. Acknowledge who we're conversing with.
2. Acknowledge that his ways are higher than our ways and that we seek his will...always.
3. That we repent and seek his forgiveness. At the same time, I need to forgive any who have offended me, whether justified or not.
4. Pray for power over the adversary and his followers.
5. Acknowledge again that Heavenly Father is all-powerful and that I seek his will.

Certainly there are other things to pray for and about. But, I love the pattern set as the foundation for prayer. I would be very hesitant to remove any parts of this foundational pattern from my prayers.

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